PC World Komputer 2010 April
pluginy Firefox
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319 lines
// This component handles sidebar related stuff
const CI = Components.interfaces;
const CL = Components.classes;
const WMED = CL['@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1'].getService(CI.nsIWindowMediator);
const SCRIPT = CL["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"].getService(CI.mozIJSSubScriptLoader);
const PREFSSERVICE = CL["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(CI.nsIPrefService);
const PREFS = PREFSSERVICE.getBranch("extensions.yoono.");
const MARK_SELECTION_START = '\u200B\u200B\u200B\u200B\u200B';
const MARK_SELECTION_END = '\u200B\u200B\u200B\u200B\u200B';
var navigator = {userAgent: ""}; // prototype
// fake document object to supply mandatory methods
var document = {
implementation: {
createDocument : function() {
var doc = CL["@mozilla.org/xml/xml-document;1"].createInstance();
var document = null;
// Use the evil hack of the hidden window
var window = null;
var navigator = null;
var Node = null;
var Element = null;
var XMLDocument = null;
var DOMParser = null;
var XMLSerializer = null;
var XMLHttpRequest = null;
var Document = null;
var Event = null;
var HTMLElement = null;
function alert(msg) {
function mkTimer(handler, delay, type) {
var timer = CL['@mozilla.org/timer;1'].createInstance(CI.nsITimer);
var obs = {
notify: function() {handler.call();}
timer.initWithCallback(obs, delay , type);
function setInterval(handler, delay) {
return(mkTimer(handler, delay, CI.nsITimer.TYPE_REPEATING_PRECISE));
function setTimeout(handler, delay) {
return(mkTimer(handler, delay, CI.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT));
function clearTimeout(timer) {
function setInterval(handler, delay) {
return(window.setInterval(handler, delay));
function setTimeout(handler, delay) {
return(window.setTimeout(handler, delay));
function clearTimeout(timer) {
function clearInterval(timer) {
// SidebarComponent : le composant en lui meme
function SidebarComponent() {
// objet magique qui permet l appel depuis le chrome
this.wrappedJSObject = this;
this.started = false;
this._started = false;
this.memoMgr = null;
this.eventMgr = null;
this.UTF8_MD5 = null;
this.serializer = null;
this.init = function(yoono_cmpt) {
if(this._started) return;
this._started = true;
try {
window = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/appShellService;1"]
} catch(e) {
// Some platforms may not have a hiddenDOMWindow...
if(!window) {
window = WMED.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
Node = window.Node;
Element = window.Element;
XMLDocument = window.XMLDocument;
DOMParser = window.DOMParser;
XMLSerializer = window.XMLSerializer;
this.serializer = new XMLSerializer();
XMLHttpRequest = window.XMLHttpRequest;
// MemoMgr needs to access navigator for the locale
navigator = window.navigator;
Document = window.Document;
Event = window.Event;
HTMLElement = window.HTMLElement;
document = CL["@mozilla.org/xml/xml-document;1"].createInstance();
try {
// ne s'execute qu'une seule fois par session
if (this.started) {
YOONO_LOG.debug('Initializing YOONO_SIDEBAR');
this.started = true;
this.yoono_cmpt = yoono_cmpt;
} catch(e) {
YOONO_LOG.error('YOONO_SIDEBAR.init: ' + e + '\n' + e.stack);
this.loadScript = function(file) {
YOONO_LOG.debug('SidebarComponent.loadScript: Loading ' + file);
try {
} catch(aError){
YOONO_LOG.error('SidebarComponent.loadScript : Loading ' + file + ' failed : '+aError);
throw aError;
this.getMemoMgr = function(methods) {
try {
if(!this.memoMgr) {
// This method is defined in the script loaded above
this.memoMgr = new MemoMgr();
var userData = this.yoono_cmpt.getUserCredential();
var login = null;
var password = null;
if(userData) {
if(userData.anonymous) {
login = userData.userId;
password = '';
} else {
login = userData.login;
password = userData.password;
// Initialize the MemoMgr with the user data
this.memoMgr.init(login, password, methods);
} catch(e) {
// Get container with marked selection
this.getContainerForSelection = function(selection) {
var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
var ancestorContainer = range.commonAncestorContainer;
var doc = ancestorContainer.ownerDocument;
var startContainer = range.startContainer;
var endContainer = range.endContainer;
var startOffset = range.startOffset;
var endOffset = range.endOffset;
// let the ancestor be an element
if (ancestorContainer.nodeType == ancestorContainer.TEXT_NODE ||
ancestorContainer.nodeType == ancestorContainer.CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
ancestorContainer = ancestorContainer.parentNode;
// for selectAll, let's use the entire document, including <html>...</html>
// @see DocumentViewerImpl::SelectAll() for how selectAll is implemented
try {
if (ancestorContainer == doc.body)
ancestorContainer = doc.documentElement;
} catch (e) { }
// each path is a "child sequence" (a.k.a. "tumbler") that
// descends from the ancestor down to the boundary point
var startPath = this.getPath(ancestorContainer, startContainer);
var endPath = this.getPath(ancestorContainer, endContainer);
// clone the fragment of interest and reset everything to be relative to it
// note: it is with the clone that we operate/munge from now on
ancestorContainer = ancestorContainer.cloneNode(true);
startContainer = ancestorContainer;
endContainer = ancestorContainer;
// Only bother with the selection if it can be remapped. Don't mess with
// leaf elements (such as <isindex>) that secretly use anynomous content
// for their display appearance.
var canDrawSelection = ancestorContainer.hasChildNodes();
if (canDrawSelection) {
var i;
for (i = startPath ? startPath.length-1 : -1; i >= 0; i--) {
startContainer = startContainer.childNodes.item(startPath[i]);
for (i = endPath ? endPath.length-1 : -1; i >= 0; i--) {
endContainer = endContainer.childNodes.item(endPath[i]);
// add special markers to record the extent of the selection
// note: |startOffset| and |endOffset| are interpreted either as
// offsets in the text data or as child indices (see the Range spec)
// (here, munging the end point first to keep the start point safe...)
var tmpNode;
if (endContainer.nodeType == endContainer.TEXT_NODE ||
endContainer.nodeType == endContainer.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
// do some extra tweaks to try to avoid the view-source output to look like
// ...<tag>]... or ...]</tag>... (where ']' marks the end of the selection).
// To get a neat output, the idea here is to remap the end point from:
// 1. ...<tag>]... to ...]<tag>...
// 2. ...]</tag>... to ...</tag>]...
if ((endOffset > 0 && endOffset < endContainer.data.length) ||
!endContainer.parentNode || !endContainer.parentNode.parentNode)
endContainer.insertData(endOffset, MARK_SELECTION_END);
else {
tmpNode = doc.createTextNode(MARK_SELECTION_END);
endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
if (endOffset == 0)
endContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpNode, endContainer);
endContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpNode, endContainer.nextSibling);
else {
tmpNode = doc.createTextNode(MARK_SELECTION_END);
endContainer.insertBefore(tmpNode, endContainer.childNodes.item(endOffset));
if (startContainer.nodeType == startContainer.TEXT_NODE ||
startContainer.nodeType == startContainer.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
// do some extra tweaks to try to avoid the view-source output to look like
// ...<tag>[... or ...[</tag>... (where '[' marks the start of the selection).
// To get a neat output, the idea here is to remap the start point from:
// 1. ...<tag>[... to ...[<tag>...
// 2. ...[</tag>... to ...</tag>[...
if ((startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.data.length) ||
!startContainer.parentNode || !startContainer.parentNode.parentNode ||
startContainer != startContainer.parentNode.lastChild)
startContainer.insertData(startOffset, MARK_SELECTION_START);
else {
tmpNode = doc.createTextNode(MARK_SELECTION_START);
startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
if (startOffset == 0)
startContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpNode, startContainer);
startContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpNode, startContainer.nextSibling);
else {
tmpNode = doc.createTextNode(MARK_SELECTION_START);
startContainer.insertBefore(tmpNode, startContainer.childNodes.item(startOffset));
return ancestorContainer;
// helper to get a path like FIXptr, but with an array instead of the "tumbler" notation
// see FIXptr: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-xml-linking-comments/2001AprJun/att-0074/01-NOTE-FIXptr-20010425.htm
this.getPath = function(ancestor, node) {
var n = node;
var p = n.parentNode;
if (n == ancestor || !p)
return null;
var path = new Array();
if (!path)
return null;
do {
for (var i = 0; i < p.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (p.childNodes.item(i) == n) {
n = p;
p = n.parentNode;
} while (n != ancestor && p);
return path;
var YOONO_SIDEBAR = new SidebarComponent();